Sometimes, customers want us to make modify the dimensions of our standard bags or tees. This may mean requests like making the tees a bit longer, making a bag gusset wider, or adjusting the size of a mask/apron.  Some dimension changes are easy and some are quite challenging.

Our production, inventory and quality control systems are designed to handle our standard sizes, so a custom size can be quite tricky for us. Therefore, there is a Minimum Order Quantity (MOQ) of 1000 units for us to begin looking at customizing dimensions.

If you think your request meets the MOQ, send the request to our customer care team. They will discuss the request with our product designers, sourcing and manufacturing team to see if such a request if feasible given capacity and capability. If it's NOT POSSIBLE, they will try to explain the reasons the request could not be fulfilled. Where possible, they may suggest alternative manufacturers who may be able to meet your requirements.

If, at first glance, we think the request IS POSSIBLEwe will send a request for more detailed specifications and initiate the design process. The design process will have a flat non-refundable upfront fee, and the customer care team will discuss lead-times and connect you with the appropriate design professionals.

Starting the design process does NOT GUARANTEE that we will be able to produce the order. Issues discussed during a detailed design phase may result in us being unable to proceed, but if we can proceed, we will discuss custom pricing and lead-times with you. Please be aware that lead-times and pricing will be inherently more uncertain depending on the nature of the modifications.