Your cotton tote bag is going to need a periodic clean. So, how can you wash the bag and make sure it retains its shape and the print remains vibrant?


Spot cleaning is the best way to clean up small stains and marks on your bag. If you have a stain remover spray, use the instructions on the product to help you clean the localized spot. If you don't have a stain remover, you can use baking soda mixed with a little warm water. Create a paste and apply it to the spot and leave it for 5-10 min, and then wipe it off.

Alternatively, you can soak the affected area in a solution of wine vinegar and warm water for 2 hours and then rinse with fresh water.


If you need to wash the entire bag, we recommend handwashing your tote using regular laundry washing powder and lukewarm water. Gently scrub your bag and try to avoid scrubbing printed areas as this can impact the print finish.


We don't typically recommend machine washing your tote bag since the spin cycle can warp the bag and also cause shrinkage. However, if you do want to machine wash, make sure the print is color-fast (dab the area with a white cotton fabric soaked in water) and make sure you use cold water on a low-spin cycle. This will minimize issues with shrinkage, warming and color fading.


If you’re cleaning a recent mark a simple wipe clean with hot water and soap will do the trick.


Steaming your cotton bag is a great alternative to washing. Steaming will remove any creases, will clean long term discoloration, and may help to remove stubborn stains from your tote bag. By adding some essential oil or scented antibacterial liquid to your steamer you can also remove any unwanted smells. 

Special thanks to for these washing instructions